End of term is here! Hurrah! I actually don't feel like I have worked hard enough so please feel free to add another deadline on top of ALL the others I have, its fine!
I am a drama student (yes, it is a real degree before anyone starts) and the end of term means that my rehearsal schedule has gone through the roof . I am not really sleeping, all I can think about are potential transitions between scenes and I am eating like an utter pig. A happy pig mind: bacon & cheese twists, mini eggs and 35p energy drinks put one heck of a sluggish smile on my grey looking face. I say grey, I whacked on a load of fake tan so my face now resembles one of those small tangerines that has been left in a fruit bowl for too long. Fit.
AS WELL AS ALL OF THAT. I have essays, I have dissertations, I have a speech to write, and I have new clothes to buy for my work experience. Sigh. It is a hard, hard, weary life.
Now I do realize that whilst I still have the safety net of my masters year at uni after that, I will have to get a real job. And I would imagine that people who work in the big wide world would argue it's actually harder than writing 3,000-4,000 words but for right now I refuse to acknowledge that, because I have well over 4,000 words due. I am living the tougher life.
Right, I'll crack on. pass me the cookies. (Everything I write seems to end with food)
Yes please!
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