Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Call me a hypocrite..but pass the BBQ.

March you have really buggered up my blog writing. There I was all proud of my post I did a couple of weeks back about the sun and how pathetic us Brits are in it and you go and get hotter than the Sahara. Thanks for that.

I still stand by the fact that it isn't summer yet but, I am now guilty of wearing a maxi skirt and strumming a guitar.. well not the last bit, I haven't succumbed to that yet and I hope I never do. Not like the rest of you eh? I can barely walk up the hill near my house anymore for fear of falling over groups of daisy chain making hipsters who are waling along to Oasis 'wonder-wall'. Again.

So yes, I am still as cynical and bitter as ever but this time I am wearing a jolly neck scarf that is of a dainty floral design.

...and perhaps I could have a pair of Ray-Ban resting on my head.

...and I am thinking of buying a disposable BBQ.

...maybe I could get a guitar? NO.

I could look like her?

I would probably end up like this..

Enjoy the sun. I am positive it wont hang around this time.


1 comment:

  1. Jonny's guitar is on the middle of the stairs. Help yourself. x
